Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An American Poverty Epidemic- Donate Baby item now!

A poverty epidemic

37 million: Number of Americans who live below the official poverty line.

12.6 percent of the total population. Millions more struggle to get by.

5 million: Number of Americans who ar
e poor today who weren’t in 2000.

8 million: Number of Americans who live in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty where at least 40 percent of residents are poor.

1 in 8: Proportion of Americans who now
live in poverty

1 in 3: Proportion of
Americans who are considered low-income

25: Percentage of all workers who were in jobs for which year-round full-time work would not pay enough to keep a family of four above the poverty threshold.

90 million: Number of Americans who had incomes below 200 percent of federal poverty thresholds; an annual income of $40,000 for a family of four.

16 million: Number of Americans living in
extreme poverty, meaning their incomes are below half the poverty line: less than $9,903 for a family of four or $5,080 for an individual.

What can be done?

Here at Baby Bundles International, our goal is to reach out in love with donations of new baby items to help meet pressing needs facing struggling families both here and abroad.

For most of us the birth of a child is a joyous event. One that
is looked forward to with great anticipation and preparation.

For others, however, it is an unexpected event presenting a
whole host of new concerns. Whether it is a downward economic trend of a particular locale, job loss or simply just an unexpected mouth to feed, families may find themselves in situations where they just feel they have no control, no hope, and no answers.

Families Helping Families

Here's how you can help! Many
of us have heard the old admonition to "Count your Blessings" and can look back with a sigh of relief that we were fortunate enough to be able meet the many needs of our own children. But there are those who are not so fortunate and need our help. With the simple gift of a Baby Bundle you will be meeting some of the immediate needs of both the new baby and the expectant parents.

Making up your Baby

Listed below are some items
you can include in your baby bundle.
  • One large, strong gift bag
  • Bottles
  • Nipples
  • Bottle with Nipple Brush
  • Package of Diapers
  • Baby Wipes
  • Creamy Desitin for diaper rash
  • Baby Tylenol
  • Baby Wash Cloths
  • Baby Shampoo & Lotion
  • Bulb Syringe for clearing nose
  • Rectal, ear, or forehead thermometer
  • Infant Nail Clippers
  • Onesies
  • Rompers or Jammies
  • Receiving Blanket
  • One Plush Baby Toy (not too large)
  • No glass items please.

Remember, many of these items need not be expensive and can be picked up at Dollar stores.

Special Gifts

Some ladies and gentlemen are gifted with being able to crochet, knit or sew. We greatly appreciate the donations of baby blankets, hats and booties and are happy to include them in our Baby Bundles. New mothers particularly enjoy these hand made gifts of the heart!

Thank you for your loving kindness!

Please contact
when you are ready to ship your bundle.

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